Our PracticeLambeth & Associates offers a combination of over thirty years' experience in the health care legal arena, counseling and representing hospitals and health systems, home health agencies and hospices, freestanding entities and other providers. The Firm's regulatory practice is centered on all aspects of Medicare participation, coverage, billing and reimbursement, extensive Fraud and Abuse/Stark law risk analyses of provider transactions, practices, and business relationships, and other regulatory compliance matters. Our corporate practice includes advising clients on organizational and structuring issues, negotiating and drafting documents for business transactions and public filings. We also address ongoing operational issues under HIPAA and State privacy laws. Finally, our managed care practice includes preparation of Insurance and HMO filings, responses to Requests for Proposals (Medicare and Medicaid) and network structure, contracting, and ongoing coverage and reimbursement issues. We seek to establish strong working relationships with government representatives and regulators in order to serve as an effective liaison between the regulatory programs and our provider clients. We also prioritize learning all aspects of the client's operations in order to provide integrated, long-term solutions. See the links above for a more detailed description of our practice areas. |